• Schedule Updates!

    We’ve begun updating the MercsCon 3 schedule with the currently known events, and will continue updating as more events are finalized. Currently the Events Team is narrowing down the list of panels and seminars, so please check the SCHEDULE page often for updates. We’ve also included a breakfast buffet menu, and will add a menu…

    Panel & Events Schedule Incoming

Beginning May 5th (5/5) we’ll be posting regular updates to the MMCC forums, MC3 Social Media, and website, starting with the announcement of our special Guest of Honor. We’ve firmed up the dates of panels, Victory Feast, Mandolympics, and the other events happening. While the schedule is always fluid until the conference, we’re confident in the accuracy of our schedule. Check back on May 5th for the Guest of Honor announcement!

2-Day All Inclusive option added!

We’ve added a 2-day All Inclusive option that includes FRIDAY & SATURDAY ONLY stays at the host hotel. Victory Feast and Saturday/Sunday Warrior’s Breakfast tickets are included, along with access to the day’s event’s (including Sunday).

Early-Bird Day, Weekend, & Victory Feast Tickets On Sale!

We’ve opened early-bird day tickets, which will be available from 8/19 until 9/15, at which point day ticket prices will increase. Also, make sure to grab your Victory Feast ticket so you can be part of the Friday evening merriment with your fellow attending MMCC members and friends!